Does Your School Train you in Non-technical Skills?
You need both excellent technical and non-technical skills to perform well and give value to the salary your employer pays to you.
highlights education and development
highlights education and development
You need both excellent technical and non-technical skills to perform well and give value to the salary your employer pays to you.
Lucubrate Magazine has thousands of readers all over the world. The readers find magazine articles on different platforms and readers share the articles on many platforms. The main platform for…
The ability to produce new ideas is referred to as creative potential. Creative potential refers to the individual’s possibilities considering the cognitive capacity, personality, motivation, and the environment. Considering the…
Creativity is an important subject in business management, economics, psychology, sociology and philosophy, fields that deal with creating and identifying new ideas. Each of these disciplines uses a discipline-specific language…
“If you're an education entrepreneur who is looking to break into education, here's a tip: technology is not the only area where teachers need assistance,” says Robyn D. Shulman in…
The idea that learners can learn by listening, transcribing, and remembering, is more akin to the traditional model of teaching – as it is commonly perceived – where the teacher…
Critical thinking is the application of appropriate skills and strategies in order to obtain the desired outcome. It involves monitoring thinking processes, checking whether progress is being made towards the…
As organizations are becoming increasingly dependent on collaborative teamwork there has been a major shift in focus from the individual to team-based innovation. Value is increasing in promoting team level…
I came across an article in Forbes* about the future of work. The article states that the pace of change has never been this fast, yet it will never be…
There is much written about online education’s huge, unlimited potential for outreach in developed and more so in developing countries. I have been involved first hand in facilitating workshops in…
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