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Open call for proposals for Europe. The overall objective of the call is to invite the submission of proposals related to initial or continuing VET for bottom-up partnerships which should encourage the creation of transnational and national VET providers’ networks and partnerships to work together at national and European level.
Indeed, to be future-proof, European policy initiatives need implementation, impact and awareness at grass root level, which requires strong cooperation mechanisms, also among VET providers. In addition, fostering the role of VET providers at EU level is one of the deliverables defined by the Bruges Communiqué.
A NEW CALL Erasmus+ has been published, for networks and partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers
The overall objective of the call is to invite the submission of proposals related to initial or continuing VET for bottom-up partnerships which should encourage the creation of transnational and national VET providers’ networks and partnerships to work together at national and European level.
Indeed, to be future-proof, European policy initiatives need implementation, impact and awareness at grass root level, which requires strong cooperation mechanisms, also among VET providers. In addition, fostering the role of VET providers at EU level is one of the deliverables defined by the Bruges Communiqué.
The projects should improve the quality and efficiency of VET, enhance its impact and relevance for learners and employers, and build cross-border cooperation for VET quality and attractiveness. The proposals financed under this call should also foster communication, dissemination and support for the implementation of the VET policy agenda at EU and national level, to exchange knowledge, feedback and experience of policy implementation and sharing of best practices on VET excellence.
Proposals should be submitted under one of the following two Lots
- Lot 1: National, regional or sectoral VET provider organisations
Projects supported under Lot 1 will establish or strengthen networks and partnerships among VET providers at a national, regional or sectoral level. These will be achieved through transnational projects aimed at capacity building and sharing of best experiences among these VET provider organisations, in particular for countries that have limited representation arrangements among VET providers.
The partnership shall include at least two national, regional or sectoral networks or associations of VET providers, from at least two different Erasmus+ Programme countries (at least one of which must be a Member State of the European Union).
- Lot 2: European umbrella VET provider organisations
Projects supported under Lot 2 will foster cooperation among European umbrella organisations of VET providers while supporting policy reflection at European level as well as outreach capacity to their national members or affiliates. The European umbrella organisations will also play a key role in raising awareness and supporting the implementation of European VET policies through the national, regional and sectoral VET provider organisations.
The partnership shall include at least two European umbrella organisations of VET providers, each of them having members or affiliates in at least five Erasmus+ Programme countries (at least one of which must be a Member State of the European Union).
The goal of the activities is to support the establishment and/or reinforcement of VET providers’ networks and partnerships.
For both lots, the beneficiaries should undertake the following activity:
Strengthen cooperation among VET providers by engaging in mutual learning, peer counselling, and capacity building, aimed at raising the quality and attractiveness of VET provision. The networks and partnerships should also promote and foster the effective use of EU funding instruments, as well as support the implementation and dissemination of relevant EU tools and initiatives in the field of VET, whenever possible in the national language(s).
Projects should also aim at involving and reaching-out to VET providers that do not yet contribute or benefit from European cooperation.
In addition, beneficiaries should undertake at least three of a set of defined activities (see Call for more details)
The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at a maximum of 6 million euros, with an indicative distribution of 4 million euros for Lot 1 and 2 million euros for Lot 2.
The maximum EU co-financing rate will be 80%.
More Information
More information is available at https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/funding/ka3-networks-and-partnerships-of-VET-providers_en.
Lucubrate Magazine, Issue 46, November 9th, 2018
The photo on top: Pixabay
Views: 380