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The educational process needs to target new thinking and creativity to make education better affect society.

In ten years, a lot of things happen. Within research, ten years are both a short time and a long time. Doing the scientific research may take many more than ten years. However, when you referer to different articles, ten years are much. Nevertheless, I stopped with an article published ten years back. The article is called “Creativity and Education.”

The article concludes that it has been documented in the literature that the recent upsurge in creativity and education has taken place in European, American, Australian, and East Asian countries. This has been reflected in their policy documents. The article says that creativity may be the “key to economic competitiveness in advanced economies.”[1]

Any countries that do not want to compete economically?

The article brings up differences between countries and asks, “does this then mean that developing or non-western countries do not want to economically compete?” The author of the article is following up with more questions. She asks if the developing or non-western countries [1],

  • do not need a new type of labor force
  • do not face any of the problems within creativity and education
  • do not require creativity
  • do not need student’s enhancement of creativity and self-actualization
Creativity and new skills (Illustration: Adobe Stock)

What to learn?

The article states that for developing countries, integration of creative thinking skills in education is crucial for shaping future orientations and actualizing reforms in political, economic, and cultural areas. The article suggests how education can move towards creative thinking [1]:

  • Learning how to learn
  • Learning how to do
  • Learning how to work together
  • Learning how to be
  • Learning how to learn critically
  • Learning how to do creatively
  • Learning how to work constructively
  • Learning how to be wise

The educational process primarily needs to set a target on new thinking and creativity to make education have a real effect on society [1].

The ten years old article is a result of a desk study. The conclusions from the work are important knowledge. The conclusions are probably even more important in education today. If we want our society to be competitive we also need to train our students to think critically and be creative.


[1] Robina Shaheen, Creativity and Education, ResearchGate, January 2010

Lucubrate Magazine July 2021

Illustration on the top of the article: Adobe Stock

Views: 170

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Karl Skaar
Mr. Karl Skaar

He is a highly successful professional with a high degree of entrepreneurial flair.

- Responsible editor and publisher of the Lucubrate Magazine, Global
- Project Manager of the Lucubrate Project, Global
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Norsk Kompetansebygging AS, Norway
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nobel Knowledge Building, Uganda

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