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A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it at school. This is the reverse of the more common practice of introducing new content at school, then assigning homework and projects to students independently at home.
In this blended learning approach, face-to-face interaction is mixed with independent study–usually via technology. In a common Flipped Classroom scenario, students might watch pre-recorded videos at home, then come to school to do the homework armed with questions and at least some background knowledge.
We can rethink
The flipped classroom concept is to rethink when students have access to the resources they need most. If the problem is that students need help doing the work rather than being introduced to the new thinking behind the work, then the solution the flipped classroom takes is to reverse that pattern.
A case-control study in South Korea in a school for undergraduate nursing students gave good results. For eight weeks in the public healthcare course, they divided the students into two groups. One group was with blended learning (A flipped classroom with team-based learning) and one group with the traditional lecture-based classroom. The study concludes that the flipped classroom’s feasibility with team-based learning as a blended learning strategy can produce improvements in nursing students’ learning outcomes. Blended learning approaches may be an effective alternative to conventional approaches in nursing education [1].
A study carried out on undergraduate students showed significant results. The student’s academic achievement, academic satisfaction, and general belongingness levels significantly increased in the flipped classroom compared with the other classroom models. The participants were divided into three groups: one experimental group with the flipped classroom model and two control groups with the traditional classroom and distance education models. The groups attended the same course content sessions that are suitable for their classroom model over eight weeks.[2]
A study from Norway published in 2020 shows that one of the valuable results of using the flipped classroom is planning. The flipped classroom requires good planning and good long-term planning. The study focuses on the student’s activities. The teachers say that the students work well when they use flipped learning.[3]
Why is the flipped classroom a good idea?
Instead of students sitting in a group environment listening to teachers – and needing to follow at the pace of the teacher and the rest of the class – the flipped classroom offers an individualized learning approach that allows students to learn at their own pace. The teacher can walk through the classroom as the students work on their assignments. The teacher can help the students individually and answer questions for each student. This allows the teacher to work one-on-one with students who need extra guidance.
Form the people that introduced the flipped classroom we can find a list of reason why we should flip the classroom [4]
- Flipping speaks the language of today’s students.
- Flipping helps busy students.
- Flipping helps struggling students.
- Flipping helps students of all abilities to excel.
- Flipping allows students to pause and rewind their teacher.
- Flipping increases student-teacher interaction.
- Flipping allows teachers to know their students better.
- Flipping increases student-student interaction.
- Flipping allows for real differentiation.
- Flipping changes classroom management.
- Flipping changes the way we talk to parents.
- Flipping educates parents.
- Flipping makes your class transparent.
- Flipping is a great technique for absent teachers.
- Flipping can lead to the flipped mastery program.
This can be summarized with four elements. The flipped classroom is good for the students related to [5]:
- Interaction
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Pace
Interaction: The interactive nature of the flipped classroom can energize both teachers and students and promote interaction that keeps everyone engaged.
Collaboration: This teaches students that there is a give-and-take approach to working together.
Communication: Using the flipped classroom approach encourages interaction and helps student develop communication skills.
Pace: Every student learns at a different pace. The flipped classroom allows the student to find supporting materials that work best for them.
[1] Kang, H.Y., Kim, H.R. Impact of blended learning on learning outcomes in the public healthcare education course: a review of flipped classroom with team-based learning. BMC Med Educ 21, 78 (2021). [2] Polat, H., Karabatak, S. Effect of flipped classroom model on academic achievement, academic satisfaction and general belongingness. Learning Environ Res (2021). [3] Sekkingstad, D. & Fossøy, I. (2020) «Poenget er at du gjer klasserommet til ein stad der det skjer «meir dynamisk aktivitet» − lærarar sine erfaringar med omvendt undervisning som undervisningsdesign. I: Digital samhandling: Fjordantologien 2020. Oslo [4] Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day. Eugene, Or: International Society for Technology in Education. [5] The “flipped classroom” supports multiple styles of learning (2018, Skooler)Views: 246