The Integration of Digital Methods in Education
The digital world is increasingly penetrating the education and skills domain. Technology has gradually been used to deliver education, knowledge, and skills in new and innovative ways.
highlights education and development
highlights education and development
The digital world is increasingly penetrating the education and skills domain. Technology has gradually been used to deliver education, knowledge, and skills in new and innovative ways.
As for all professionals, teachers need adequate support to live up to the expectations set in their work and to help their students achieve their full potential.
The managerial approach to higher education governance has been around for the last 20 years or so. One aspect of managerialism is the centralization of decision-making. In itself, centralization is not necessarily a bad thing. It can create efficiencies and result in more effective decision-making. However, when the structure results in a divide between the academic and administrative areas, the ones who can suffer most are the students.
By leaning into digital solutions, manufacturing can reduce human error, shorten time to market, and increase the speed at which industrial processes can adapt to new information. We are on…
A stakeholder workshop is one way to engage stakeholders those who are affected by, have a direct interest in, or are somehow involved with the problem identified during situation analysis…
We are looking at the Skills Gap for Infrastructural Development. One huge question is how do we provide human resources for the industry? How can we bridge the skills gap?…
World Teachers’ Day on October 5th honors teachers and teacher organizations making vital contributions to the education and development of our future leaders. World Teachers’ Day October 5th 2021 If…
Technology has brought great advantages to the online teaching-learning environment. It has changed how we do teaching and learning and opened up the world of learning and opportunity to those…
In today's world, one can access almost everything online without disembarking from the comfort of their couch; this includes education. Sounds great for sure, but is it great for school…
Online platform work, where internet-based platforms bring together people from across the world to carry out tasks, has emerged in recent decades as a new form of employment. A new…
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