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The world is full of different cuisines and thousands of different meals. Nearly everything we eat comes from plants, animals, birds, fish and other things from the sea.

We can eat the edible parts of many plants like roots and leaves as well as things plants produce like fruits and seeds. We can also eat various parts of animals as well as things animals produce like milk. In many parts of the world people also eat insects and things they produce like honey.

Our physical and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and drink. The nutritional content of what we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, hormones, tissue, organs, skin, and hair. Our bodies are replacing billions of cells every day — and using the foods we consume as the source. Yet when we reduce them to their essence, there are just a handful of ingredients that our bodies absolutely need to survive. These basic molecules come in a series of groups we’re all familiar with — carbohydrates, fat, protein — each class of molecule is very important for the way our bodies work. So, what to choose?

Different food

There are no limits on how to create a meal. Different cultures and different families create food in the way they are used to. The pictures showes samples of dishes. Maybe this is food for you?

Kenya 2019

Uganda 2019

Uganda 2019

Uganda 2019

Italy 2019

Uganda 2019

Ireland 2019

Norway 2019

Norway 2019

Qatar 2020

Qatar 2020

Uganda 2020

Uganda 2020

Norway 2020

Lucubrate Magazine January 2020

All photos for the article: Mr Karl Skaar, Norway 

Norway 2020

Views: 135

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Karl Skaar
Mr. Karl Skaar

He is a highly successful professional with a high degree of entrepreneurial flair.

- Responsible editor and publisher of the Lucubrate Magazine, Global
- Project Manager of the Lucubrate Project, Global
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Norsk Kompetansebygging AS, Norway
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nobel Knowledge Building, Uganda

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