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If you aspire to write for Lucubrate Magazine, you’ll have to adapt to a medium that our magazine has been rapidly transformed by digital technology. In other words, Lucubrate Magazine is primarily consumed online in web browsers. We publish the magazine as a PDF file. However, we also publish each article on the Lucubrate Magazine Homepage. Many people share articles from Lucubrate Magazine on different social platforms like Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook. Therefore, if you publish an article in Lucubrate Magazine, you accept that your article can be shared by others.

Like many others, Lucubrate Magazine is seeking new writers who have a great story idea to pitch. Therefore, the articles we prefer are about all sides of development from development in a country to the development of new ideas or new inventions. However, the development should include ideas about education and knowledge transfer.

How to do it?

Here are some writing tips to help you break into the world of Lucubrate Magazine writing.

Target your audience carefully.

The people reading articles in Lucubrate Magazine are interested in development, new inventions, new possibilities, green environment, pro-poor growth and poverty reduction, education, digital possibilities, e-learning, development and educational policy, trends and future-looking. In conclusion, Lucubrate magazine’s most important relationship is with our readers. If you meet those readers on their terms, you could have a long career in magazine journalism. Study the magazine’s masthead and article bylines to learn.

Become a specialist.

Today’s media world values specialization. The Lucubrate Magazine readers value specialization. Therefore, if you have specialized know-how in a particular discipline (such as medicine, environment, education or mobile computing), lean into it. The best stories you pitch will likely tap into your personal experience and specific knowledge base. Specialization can help you break through as a new writer.

Do more research than you think you need.

It’s always better to have more sources, quotes, and statistics than you can use in your story. Often times a magazine writer’s document of notes will be longer than the first draft of their story.

Be flexible.

One of the greatest writing skills a journalist can be endowed with is flexibility. However, even with the greatest degree of planning, the writing process can lead journalists in strange directions. You may find that your planned 800-word article needs 10,000 words to do its subject justice. Conversely, you may find that what you thought would be a voluminous feature should be far more succinct. Writing is hard work even when everything goes as planned. If your story demands a different approach from what you’d originally expected, embrace flexibility. It will make the revision process all the more pleasant.

Be Clear, write simple and to the point. If not, you will find the reader at this tired businessman standing by window (Photo: Adobe Stock).

Be Clear, Simple and to the point.

Your expertise and your article won’t be of any value to a reader that doesn’t get it. Keep your words simple and clear and explain with words that your readers can relate to. However, there is a difference between using simple language (easy to understand), and simplistic (treating the problem as if it’s not complicated at all).

Avoid jargon. Jargon is the technical terminology of a special activity or group. In other words, people in a specific field use special words we call jargon. If your words are too complicated, or if your reader doesn’t understand the acronym you are using, you are probably going to lose them. Therefore, use examples and analogies that your reader already knows, and compare and contrast those with your idea. People will connect your thoughts to what’s already on their minds, creating a new bond that will make them grasp your view better when you tie the concept to a previously learned or shared piece of information.

Guidelines for Lucubrate Magazine.

Make sure you follow our submission guidelines when you approach us with article ideas:

  • The size of the article. The article normally consists of at least 500 words.
  • A possible headline. Editors may change it, but it helps to provide one.
  • Take your stance. In other words, clarify your view or position.
  • Explain the story’s value in the ingress.
  • Include pictures and illustrations (800×450 pixels)
  • Check Spelling and Grammar
  • Check Facts and include references
  • Register yourself and write something about yourself. (We publish a picture and information about the writer at the bottom of all the articles in Lucubrate Magazine).

Tell us About What you Will Write for Lucubrate Magazine.

Here, you can leave your name and e-mail and some words about the article you want to publish in Lucubrate Magazine.

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Lucubrate Magazine
Lucubrate Magazine

Lucubrate Magazine highlights trends in education and development. Development in this context can be technological, educational, individual, social or global, and everything related to education.
Lucubrate Magazine is a global based on the web magazine with the main office in Norway.

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1 Comment

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