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We live in a world of change. Everything around us is changing, the education, the work, the way we communicate, the way we move, and we are changing. When we look at the ahead, we may believe the coming years may continue as it is today. We may think that there will not be much change. 

However, we all do what we can to change the future. We all want to make a difference.


When we talk about the skills or abilities to make things change, we often use innovation. Innovation is a feasible, relevant offering such as a product, service, process, or experience with a viable business model perceived as new and adopted by customers. The word innovation is often connected to industry and business. However, we can use the word in all kinds of situations and contexts.

You can’t solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.

Albert Einstein

Innovation is an important skill to help create new ideas and solve complicated problems. It is the application of pictures that are novel and useful. Creativity, the ability to generate novel and useful ideas, is the seed of innovation. However, it’s still just an idea unless it’s applied and scaled.

We can make it simple and state that innovation is about staying relevant. Relevant in your daily life. Applicable in your study and work. Suitable in the service or industry where your business operates. In business life, it is the key to success and to survival. We are in a time of unprecedented change. What may have helped an organisation succeed in the past could potentially cause its failure in the future. Companies need to adapt and evolve to meet their constituents’ ever-changing needs.

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Innovation Process

We can talk about the innovation process as a great idea, executed brilliantly, and communicated in a way that is both intuitive and fully celebrates the magic of the initial concept. The innovative process needs to create a new market or radically change an existing one. Innovative ideas can be big or small. It can be a breakthrough. Creative ideas or disruptive innovation either create a new category or change an existing one dramatically and obsoletes the current market leader. We can obsolete ourselves or someone else, and it can be ‘sexy’ or address a basic human need. We need all of these parts to succeed.

Without innovation, misalignment results in less than optimal focus and results. Any variation goes as long as it includes “new” and addresses customer needs and wants.

The innovation process is the sum of all the activities needed to commercially apply the innovative idea in business. It starts with identifying a problem and creating a solution that addresses a customer need. There isn’t one fixed innovation process because it can be adapted from case to case.

Innovation is the implementation of something new.

Innovation is anything new, functional, and surprising. We also talk about innovation as organic value creation by applying creativity, in-depth relationships and new thinking. 

While invention requires the creation of new ideas, processes or products, innovation moves one step further and requires implementation of the creative act. Innovation also implies a value system that seeks to derive a positive outcome from the creative act. The actions needed to create new ideas, processes, or products that affect positive change when implemented. 


Lucubrate Magazine February 2022

The photo on the top of the article: Adobe Stock


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Electroencephalography concept. Photo: Adobe Stock

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Lucubrate Magazine
Lucubrate Magazine

Lucubrate Magazine highlights trends in education and development. Development in this context can be technological, educational, individual, social or global, and everything related to education.
Lucubrate Magazine is a global based on the web magazine with the main office in Norway.

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