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Lucubrate Magazine, Issue 40, September 28th, 2018

A successful HR Manager must guide the employee to find his way to the sense of job satisfaction and help them to fill the needs.

As we promised the last article, we will continue our discussion about the feeling of satisfaction and the sense of being successful. Today, we shall start to look at the process of fulfillment. How can we approach this process? First, we need to look at the partners and the people responsible for this process.  Who will gain and what are the impacts of this kind of operation? These questions and other questions must be kept in our mind when we talk about the feeling of satisfaction.

Who is needed to create the feeling of satisfaction? It is the employee, the company and both of them. My opinion and practical experience show that both of them must get the same feeling of satisfaction. If only the company work to get satisfied and get success without any thinking for the working environments and the benefits for the employee, you can risk that it can demotivate the employee. On the other hand, if only the employees have these feelings, the productivity and the profit may go down. This can lead to a demotivated climate for the company.

Photo: Cadeau Maestro 


We need to try to create a feeling of satisfaction for both employees and company to increase the profit.

As we have indicated, both the company and the employees should be satisfied to become a health company. The next question will then be who is responsible? In my view, both the team leader, the head of departments, the HR manager and the CEO are responsible for planning and working for processes that lead to a feeling of satisfaction for all. Each manager has to work for this. However, also the employee must search for this feeling and try to find it.

The HR Department has a general responsibility for ensuring that all parts of the company feel good and feel satisfied with the work and work environment.  As we mentioned before, it is a win-win situation both for the company and the employees.  The HR Department can develop systems to create the feeling of satisfaction. This may lead to success for all.

My advice for any HR Manager who wants to be a successful manager is to build systems that can create that feeling of being successful both for the employees and the company.  You can guide all the employee to find his way for the feeling of satisfaction. When you reach this point, you will think that everything around you looks good. You will also see that the company will gain and the employee will get power and the enthusiasm to continue.

The next week we will talk in more details about the HR strategies and functions among the industrial companies.

The photo on top: Pixabay

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Lucubrate Magazine, Issue 40, September 28th, 2018


Views: 3193

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Sameh Nabil
Sameh Nabil

Sameh Nabil has been working as a consultant for about 18 years in the
field of Human Resources and Business Reformation. He holds a Masters
Degree in Business Administration

He is MBA from Alexandria University

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