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Joined April 4, 2019
Emmanuel Osinem is an Instructional Programme Development/Delivery and Quality Assurance expert in Vocational Technical Education and holds a PhD in Vocational Agricultural Education. He has over 18 years of university-level teaching and research experiences (undergraduate and postgraduate) at the Faculty of Vocational Technical Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). He has supervised over 60 B.Sc, 45 Masters and, 30 PhD theses. He had also successfully conducted a number of local and international funded researches, has many researched articles published in learned journals within and outside Nigeria and authored and co-authored a number of books. Prior to joining University of Nigeria, he has had over 11 years experience working with Post-primary Schools Services Commission, Anambra State, Nigeria designing and implementing agricultural programmes with focus on Youth Empowerment in various agricultural Occupations.
He is currently a Professor of Agricultural Education & Training, Dean, Faculty of Vocational & Technical Education, Coordinator, UNESCO-UNEVOC centre of Centre for Technical Vocational Education, Training & Research (CETVETAR) UNN, Coordinator/Founder, Innovations in TVET Research/Project Group. He is also the Human Capital Development Officer of Business Development Centre (BDC) UNN – an African Development Bank TVE funded project of Federal Ministry of Education from May 2014.
He was Director of CETVETAR from August 2016 to August 2018, Coordinator of Agricultural Education Unit of the Department of Vocational Teacher Education 2003-2009, Pioneer Head of Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Education, 2015-2016, Facilitator of research and training activities of CETVETAR Center of Excellence 4.5 Million US Dollars World Bank Grants under STEP-B Project 2010-2013, the Coordinator of training modules development, UNESCO-HP Project on Biotechnology Research/Training with Nigerians in Diaspora 2007-2012, the Chair of special committee that consulted for His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Anambra State, Nigeria on Modalities for Increasing Agricultural Production in the State from 1999-2003.
In the international academic/project engagements, Prof Osinem is presently the UNN Coordinator of the three versions of Erasmus Mundus Academic Mobility Projects – the Mundus ACPII, the ANGLE and the DREAM projects in a consortia lead by University of Porto, Portugal and Intra-Africa Academic Mobility – AFRICOM Project in a partnership led by University of Younde 1, Cameroun; represents University of Nigeria in the on-going European Commission funded Joint Africa-EU Partnership Strategy on harmonization of quality and standards in Africa higher education – the Tuning Africa Project phases I & II under Teacher Education; he was part of the team – the Nigerian Special Delegation on Higher Education in 2010 to CHINA to negotiate with World Class Centres of Excellence and Universities in various areas of Science and Technology for partnership and cooperation with international institutions, professional associations and the organized private sector with Nigerian universities and newly established centers of excellence under the World Bank Assisted STEP-B project. He was the team leader of Partnerships for Smart Farming Media project evolving from African Green Revolution Conference held in Oslo, Norway, 2008. Professor Osinem is an alumnus of International Training Centre of International Labour Organization (ILO) in Turin, Italy having participated in ILO Training on Lifelong e-learning: innovative Solutions in 2009 and Skills Development Academy Programme, in 2012.
His areas of research interests include Programme and Instructional Development in Agriculture and Vocational and technical trades; TVET Governance and Policy Issues; Research & Development in Vocational and Technical Education; Innovativeness/outcome-based approaches in Project Management.

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